Thursday, June 15, 2006

Short Story - And Then An Old Mother Cries

Where am I?

Is it cold? I am cold.

Why am I am lying on my back? The ceiling is stark white. What is this other thing on the periphery of my vision? It looks like some type of machine.

It feels like I am in a bed. It doesn't feel like mine.

I try to sit up. My body will not respond. I can't move. Why?

A young woman is bending over me. I don't know her. She has long raven hair tied back in a ponytail. Who is she? She moves away. Where did she go? Who is she?

There are noises. I hear them. They sound electronic. Beeps. Blips. Mechanical sounds. What are those noises?

The raven-haired woman comes back and looks at me. She smiles. "Hello. You are awake. That’s good," She says. She smiles. Who is she? She is wearing a white uniform. She takes my hand. She looks at something. Holds my wrist with her fingers. What is she doing?

Where am I?

What is happening here?

I look around. There are lights above me. What are those lights over my head? On the ceiling? They don't look familiar.

There are voices. Two of them. One old, one young. I cannot make out what they are saying. Is that Muriel? Yes, its Muriel. I know my wife's voice anywhere. She is here. She must be speaking to that young woman in the white.

I try to speak. "Hello" I say. Why don’t they pay attention to me? I speak again "Please, help me" but they don’t listen. I plead this time. "Please, help me" Why doesn't my voice make any sound? I don't think my mouth can move. What's wrong with me?

Why doesn’t my mouth work? Why can't I speak?

Why can't I breathe? Help me.

Help me. Please. Help me.

Why is the light fading?

What is that pinpoint of light in the distance?



And then an old mother cries


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