Thursday, June 15, 2006

Short Story - The Reunion

Luke turned to Kelly with a determined look. He could see that her soft blue eyes were full of tears. She had looked after herself over the years and was still quite capable of turning a head or two as she walked down the main street. Five foot four, with a shock of red hair, Kelly was distinctively from an Irish background.

"Now that I have found you after all these years, I am not going to let you go" he said softly.
"Not this time, not again".

Kelly looked at Luke. She had to admire how he had turned out after not seeing him for the past 4 years. At just under six feet tall he was slim and reasonably tanned and toned for his age. His dark hair was short and gave him a southern European look. Not bad for an Englishman.

She had been so happy and yet so shocked when Luke had contacted her a few days before and had asked to meet her. She had wondered what had happened to him those many years ago when he had suddenly disappeared. She had truly believed that they were in love and that they would have a future together. Then suddenly one night Luke had disappeared out of her life.
She had been shocked to learn that he had been pressganged into a ships crew that night after leaving a tavern and had been placed into service with her Majesty's government. Luke had sailed the world as a seaman travelling to lands as far away as the America's and the subcontinent. His vessel had put into the harbor at Dublin town the week before and Luke had spent all his time and efforts upon reaching dry land again in finding her.

"Luke" said Kelly quietly "You know that this cannot go anywhere. You know I am married."

"Yes, I know all that" pleaded Luke "but you can get a divorce and we can start over afresh somewhere else".

"Luke....... Darling. I love you, I have always loved you, always, but I just cannot walk out on Callum after all he has done for me, besides our 1700's society will not allow it nor will my church."

"But Kelly, my love, you know that during your marriage he has abused you, so much so that times you have attempted suicide. He only wants you because you are like a trinket for a prize. He does not love you at all. You are just a chattel to him. "

"Yes darling, but sometimes I believed that I deserved that treatment." Kelly looked at the ground and Luke could tell that she was beginning to cry again. He moved closer and put his arm around her shoulder and held her close. He had been without his soulmate for far too long to let her go again.

"My love, nobody deserves to be treated that way. He treats you like a prisoner and a slave. If I had my way I would do him in."

"Yes my darling, but there is also the other problem of the hatred between the English and the Irish. How do we overcome that? The political situation has become worse since we were together previously. People will simply not accept an Englishman and an Irish woman together anymore "

Luke placed his hand under Kelly's chin and lifted it gently until her gaze met his. Right in front of him was the woman that he loved and would gladly die for.

"I will find a way. Don't you worry, I will find a way" he whispered determinedly as his lips met hers and he kissed her.


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